Housing Assistance
for our Neighbors
SP Housing is a housing assistance program funded by the Los Angeles Housing Department and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, around since 1998.
To Contact Our Team
825 Colorado Blvd., Suite 100
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Please note that SP Housing is a private agency and that we do not accept direct referrals at this time.
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Supportive Housing
What is supportive housing?
- Combination of housing and services to provide a cost-effective way for people to live more stable, productive lives.
- Funding comes from an active community services stream, across the United States
- SP Housing Resources is not Section 8 or an entitlement program
- Supportive housing encompasses a range of approaches:
- Single sites, such as housing developments​ or apartment buildings
- Scattered sites, such as participants that use rent subsidies, housing from private landlords, or flexible, primarily focused on housing stability for participants
Our Clients
Who do we support?
- Supportive housing aims to support those who face the most complex challenges to leading a successful life
- This challenges may include:
- Homelessness​
- Low income
- Serious persistent issues (disabilities, medical conditions, other impairments)
More Information
SP Housing Program for Landlords
- Property rental agreement is between SP Housing and the Landlord / Property Management Company.
- SP housing pays full rental amount requested, as well as security deposit.
- All monthly rental payments are made directly from SP Housing to the landlord on the first of the month, and direct deposit is available.
- General client contact information will be provided once rental agreement is in place (name, phone number, license #), while other personal client information will be kept confidential.
- SP Housing Resources will provide landlords stability in rental income, whether there is a tenant or not.
- Landlords / property management company representatives may contact Leslie Oedy, Housing Manager for SP Housing at 213-201-1610, with any questions or concerns. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
SP Housing Program for Clients
Our Programs
Housing for Health
- County-funded program aimed at reducing homelessness and improving long-term health outcomes among vulnerable populations within Los Angeles.
- Linkage to affordable, permanent housing in conjunction with integrated case management services is designed to promote housing stability and retention, as well as individual autonomy.
- Our Intensive Case Management providers assist HFH participants in both securing and maintaining their housing placement.
- Services offered include, but are not limited to, assistance around housing search and application, budgeting and money management, linkage to medical and mental health care, and navigation of community resources.
- There are no time limitations on program participation, meaning that individuals will continue to receive services as long as needed to ensure housing sustainability and preservation.